Friday, September 27, 2002

Once quite obviously on the 'right' of Social Democracy, New Labour's rightward trajectory has left Toynbee looking like a leftist critic of New Labour. She doesn't seem to have grasped the main point behind the PFI however when she says that, "What was needed was a tightly argued refutation of the opponents of PFI and a strong promise to protect the rights of vulnerable workers. Without that, his calls for flexibility in working practices sound like code for terrible pay and conditions". The 'flexibility' that is so prominent in New Labour's vocabulary means just what she fears it does and is a translation of the neo-liberal, 'hire and fire' culture so prevalent in the US. The lack of evidence in Blair's pamphlet that she highlights is ironic considering the fashion in New Labour circles for 'evidenc based practice.' | Society | Polly Toynbee: If you're so sure, prove it


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