Saturday, July 14, 2007

BBC NEWS | Education | The dead parrot curriculum

When Boston said, "the traditional approach to covering the syllabus has been exhausted" this does indeed signal a victory for child-centred education, not because the 'progressives' won the argument
- anyone would be hard pressed to identify them these days anyway - but because a
lot of pupils were turned off the 'traditional approach'. For many - about
25-30%, the same proportion more or less that so exercised Sir Keith Joseph
in the 1970s - the curriculum was uninteresting and demotivating so the wheel turns and it
is back to 'relevance'. This was excoriated by the Black Paper writers in the early 1970s who associated it with Dewey and social breakdown.
The French sociologist, Bourdieu argued that from the point of view of social reproduction, curriculum content was largely irrelevant as long as it enabled selection to take place. This makes the arguments about whether Churchill should be included or not, seem futile but it is the symbolism, what Churchill signifies that makes it such an important element in the debate. Again, it was Bourdieu who pointed out the significance of symbolic power and politics.
This does indeed, as Baker writes, look as if it gives personalised learning some substance or if you prefer, differentiation and something like Bantock's
'dual curriculum' - cooking for the lower streams while the top stream does advanced calculus. John White's argument for a national curriculum with an entitlement guaranteed to all was opposed to this and to what R. H. Tawney insisted was necessary 'variety' in schooling. The problem was that the National Curriculum did not follow White's suggestions - probably because they were too costly - but, in general, treated
unequals equally and did not, as we used to say, 'individualise', the
Mike Baker's teacher autonomy/professionalisation point is well made. When payment by results was abandoned nothing much changed as teachers had been
socialised into relying on it and they will still subject to inspection and an assessment regime that kept much of it in place after it had officially gone. The same holds for today's teacher trainers, I fear, though anything that increases teachers' professional discretion is to be welcomed.

Finally, we can now brush down the old nineteenth century Froebelian texts
on 'correlation' or Kilpatrick's project method which was promoted in the
1920s as essential to survival in a modern industrial world.
BBC NEWS | Education | The dead parrot curriculum



At 10:06 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

His muse often took the direction of satire, but it was always good-natured even when it hit the hardest.. Half way down I met Major Halkit.. The scene anticipates the long-hoped-for meeting; there is here no call for painful emotions.. For the same son this excitement is converted into fear.. Drat it! commented Uncle Billy to himself.. Nevertheless, the situation provoked the intensest curiosity.. In vain did the perplexed lover ask for time to clear himself, declare his respect for Miss Ellen and his willingness to give every explanation which she might require; the father was not to be put off; and though excessively reluctant, Mr.. And, elder, don't you forgit them caliker scraps, or you'll be wantin' kiver soon an' no kiver will be a-comin'.. They had not been there more than ten minutes when Mrs.. , with a view of inducing all children to take hold of the handles of their knives and forks, instead of the metal.. When the election day came round, however, I found that by some accident there was only one Frederic Ingham's name on the voting-list; and, as I was quite busy that day in writing some foreign letters to Halle, I thought I would forego my privilege of suffrage, and stay quietly at home, telling Dennis that he might use the record on the voting-list and vote.. One day, about a week after their piece of good luck, a maid brought a letter for Miss Lydia to her room.. It is part of the canal system which connects the town with the railroad.. From other components of the same dream it is now possible to add that the lady had guessed the relationship between the English word box and the German Buechse , and had then been haunted by the memory that Buechse (as well as box) is used in vulgar speech to designate the female genital organ.. coming in at nine, Thursday evening! Think of this, reader, for men who know the world is trying to go backward, and who would give their lives if they could help it on! Well! The double had succeeded so well at the Board, that I sent him to the Academy.. Mosquito Inlet opened broadly before him, and skirting the end of Merritt's Island he came at last into that longest lagoon, with which he was most familiar, the Indian River.. Moodily the elder pursued his journey, and as he rode, far off in the night there rose and quivered a plaintive cry.. I shall conclude these psychological discussions with the report of two such occurrences.. I gazed upon the twilight, the inscrutable silence, like a God-fearing discoverer upon a new, and vast, and dim sea, bursting upon him through forest glooms, and in the fervor of whose impassioned gaze, a millennial and poetic world arises, and man need no longer die to be happy.. The blind tumult of capture had passed; a great tenderness possessed him...


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