Is the Minister attempting to defend the indefensible? BBC NEWS | Education | Minister tackles 'six myths' about tests
Education Policy
Items relating to education policy making and policy implementation.
Friday, November 14, 2003
Another wheeze that is likely to run aground on the rocks of class division and class inequality but has the merit for the government of shifting some state expenditure to the private sector which is well known for its altruism and philanthropic motivations. BBC NEWS | Education | Specialist schools 'set to take over'
Tuesday, November 11, 2003
More privatisation news fro headline grabbing company Jarvis BBC NEWS | Business | Jarvis schools project under fire
Monday, November 10, 2003
Performance related pay assumes workers are motivated by money ergo if you reduce the pay, motivation decreases. The attempt to reduce the prp available was always predictable. BBC NEWS | Education | Battle ahead over teachers' pay