A journalist's take on Steiner and Montessori - at least an alternative means of education is being discussedEducationGuardian.co.uk | News crumb | Explainer: Steiner schools
Education Policy
Items relating to education policy making and policy implementation.
Friday, July 01, 2005
Private companies to award degrees. 'competition provides quality benchmarks for the public sector' Like enron perhaps?.Education news & jobs at the Times Higher Education Supplement
Thursday, June 30, 2005
An interesting way of presenting the report on Steiner schools but a turn to progressive education is highly unlikely. UK Education News & Teaching News - TES - The Times Educational Supplement 2
Is this the personalisation of a public service? How can the Romantic movement of which Steiner was a part co-operate with the centralised bureaucratic, 'rational' system which is State Education? BBC NEWS | Education | Steiner schools 'could help all'