Friday, July 01, 2005

A journalist's take on Steiner and Montessori - at least an alternative means of education is being | News crumb | Explainer: Steiner schools

Private companies to award degrees. 'competition provides quality benchmarks for the public sector' Like enron perhaps?.Education news & jobs at the Times Higher Education Supplement

Thursday, June 30, 2005

An interesting way of presenting the report on Steiner schools but a turn to progressive education is highly unlikely. UK Education News & Teaching News - TES - The Times Educational Supplement 2

Is this the personalisation of a public service? How can the Romantic movement of which Steiner was a part co-operate with the centralised bureaucratic, 'rational' system which is State Education? BBC NEWS | Education | Steiner schools 'could help all'

Evidence based policy? | Schools special reports | Researchers raise more doubts on city academies