Press release by US based, Alliance for Childhood for their report Tech Tonic which is critical of the use of ICT in schools. The full report is available from the site. Alliance for Childhood - Computers and Children
Education Policy
Items relating to education policy making and policy implementation.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Scepticism about interactive whiteboards and other forms of ICT | E-learning | Chalk one up to the whiteboard
Monday, October 10, 2005
More evidence of social selection but there is a regrettable lack of an historical perspective here. "We have replaced an education system which selected on ability with one that is socially selective" says Sir Peter Lampl but he does not indicate when this meritocracy existed. Schools have always been socially selective: that is one of the reasons they exist at all and success in school is strongly correlated with social class. This has been known for decades but many seem to have forgotten it. Guardian Unlimited | UK Latest | Top schools attacked on poor pupils